sábado, 5 de octubre de 2013

Geshe Sonam Rinchen

Our dearest  Geshe Sonam Rinchen  ‘Gen’ Rinpoche  has passed  away  about 12 hours ago in Dharamsala /India. On October  4th. 2013.
For those  who  met him and who had the graet opportunity to learn  Dharma from him , today is a sad day…nevertheless we believe he lived and died accordingly  with buddhism, and therefore his last minutes where in peace ….
Here,  a kind description  by his translator Ruth Sonam of his very last moments near his house in Dharamsala very close o the Library where he  taught for so many years:  .

…” Nyima was there with Sonam Wangyal and they had asked the Geshe who came up from Sera two months ago to come over earlier in the night. At around 12.00 Gen la's breathing changed. They asked Gen la if he would like them to recite Lama Chopa (the Guru Puja) and he said he would. They recited it slowly, followed by the beginning and the dedication from the Yamantaka Vajrabhairava sadhana - the Solitary Hero. Nyima told me that Gen la listened attentively. They finally recited The Exalted Wisdom on Going Beyond after which Gen la seemed to relax. He then exhaled his final breath.

Most rituals and prayers are being done down in Sera Monastery but some have been done here in the outside room. Gen la is lying inside completely covered by his yellow robe. A group of people from their area in Tibet came and cooked lunch and people from the Library came to help in different ways and look after the many many butterlamps which have been lit on the terrace outside. Everyone is busy doing the things Tibetans do when someone passes away. It isn't clear at present whether or not Gen la is in
 thukdam (the meditation following clinical death). That will become obvious in due course… The Library staff were over at Ghadong helping so much today, putting up an awning and making butterlamps and a group of Trehor people came and cooked for everyone in Ghadong Restaurant's old kitchen. 

Nyima and Sonam Wangyal looked after Gen la with so much love and attention, taking turns to sit with him day and night and look after his smallest needs instantly…”

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