jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Mindfulness & Homeopathy

Ana-Maria Clasing

“Mindfulness”; a meditational  approach  to overcome ‘afflictive emotions’ (kleshas) and the homeopathic treatment to identify them.
The ‘miasma theory’ established  in the 4th. principle of the homeopathic system of cure by Dr.Samuel Hahnemann, helps to identify afflictive emotions as original causes of diseases and gives an integrated  view of the “embodied mind”.

Buddhism refers to 84.000 thousand dissonant emotions which interfere in our existence . These are analysed in profound introspective meditation. Buddhism also indicates "three primary poisons "which are responsible for suffering. Desire and craving, hatred and ignorance referring this last one  as the inability of perceiving the true nature of phenomena and self.

The  4th. principle the “miasma” theory, this  homeopathic aspect deals with the high diluted infinitesimal immaterial substance (above Loschmidt number) given to a patient. which reaches  a deeper emotional state. Here  the afflictive emotion arises and  allows the patient  and the therapist to identify the arising state of mind;  this is also  the moment  to apply  a meditational practice which is directly related to the afflictive emotion, it is also the moment to check how resilient the patient can be.

The homeopathic cure involves the individual as a whole. Hahnemann  stayed open to  the infinite variety of human lives, and did not only payed attention to a classificatory system of knowledge based on "nosological" entities and organizations of “Materia Medicas.” The narrative in 1st, person experience  explained by the patients  who took the potentiated homeopathic  product, was  for Hahnemann the key to identify the afflictive emotion  lay behind.

For Hahneman, a simple decompensation of the ‘vital lifestrength’ prolonged in time and deeply rooted, is the cause of the “miasma”which becomes chronic.This decompensation occurs at organic and phsycological levels.

One example of homeopathic tratments:
Pulsatille C200 and above, referred to patients who suffer from fear through lack of self-confidence.
Related state of mind; the patient shows deep sadness, cries and feels sorry for himself, usually naïve persons.
Related organic disorder; kidney disorders, alopetia areata, tachycardia,
Bone density diseases, etc.
Related meditation practice: calm abiding meditation plus tsa-lung meditation practice (vital strength pranayana;Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche).Breathing and visualization, attention on the heart section developing love and compassion towards themselves and others.

Paper presented at “International Symposium of Contemplative Studies”. Berlin 2013 / Boston 2014 . 
Author: Ana-María Clasing; clasamca@gmail.com
Pedagogical degree, PUC/Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
‘Heilpraktiker’ Schule für Naturheilkunde GMBH/ München
Postgraduate Diploma on “Health Promotion” medicine faculty Universidad de Chile
Postgraduate Diploma in ‘The study of religions’ Universidad Adolfo Ibañez-Chile
Teaches Buddhism, translation of Dharma texts._

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